Are you noticing that your tan is fading? Here are reasons why this can happen and what to do to avoid it in the future.
You can experience fading if you wait too long in between each indoor tanning session. Depending on the intensity of the tanning bed and your skin type, you should tan two to three times per week to avoid fading. If you wait too long in between sessions, your skin can fight the melanin that was produced from the UV rays during your indoor tanning session. Your sessions can be farther apart once you reach your desired skin color.
You aren’t moisturizing enough. Moisturized skin is best. If your skin is dry, the skin cells on the surface of your skin will flake off, taking your tan with it. Using a good moisturizer will slow down this process and help you keep your tan longer. Consider purchasing a tan extender, a lotion that is specially designed to maximize the lifespan of your tan. They are loaded with moisturizing nutrients and vitamins that you tend to lose during your indoor tanning sessions.
You are regularly taking long showers or baths. This will also dehydrate your skin, causing the skin cells on the surface of your skin to flake off, slowly taking your tan with it. Take quick showers, with cold or lukewarm water and use a balanced body wash.
You aren’t using an indoor tanning lotion. Not only are indoor tanning lotions loaded with moisturizers, they also contain ingredients that help speed up the tanning process by stimulating the melanin in your skin. This will give you a balanced, dark, gorgeous tan. Let us help you pick one out today!
You exfoliate too much. Doing so will remove the top layer of your skin cells, taking some of your tan with it.
Are you ready to get a bronzed, beautiful glow?
We have low intensity tanning beds, medium intensity beds, and high intensity tanning beds to choose from as well as 3 sunless spray options!
Ask us about our Mystic spray tan booth, our VersaSpa spray booth, or our Norvell Custom Airbrush!
We guarantee top quality indoor tanning sessions, premium skincare products, and well-educated tanning consultants.
Come see us today for the best tanning experience in Spokane, WA!
